Do you ever feel like you can't trust your body when it comes to food? Overeating can feel like a never-ending battle and it may seem impossible to learn how to trust your body. But the truth is, understanding your body's communication can be the key to unlocking the trust you need to not overeat. In this blog post, we'll explore how to trust yourself when it comes to food.
“Instead of being controlled by your cravings, seek to know your cravings deeper".
Let's jump right into some strategies on how you can start talking and communicating with your body to create more trust and curiosity. Instead of being controlled by your cravings, seek to know your cravings deeper. It can be hard at first, if you've been disconnected from your body and you've never been intentional with developing that relationship. So be slow and be gentle and think of this as a fun exercise. What could it look like to have a fun conversation between body and mind?
Start with an invitation. Invite your body to communicate with you and make space to listen. The key is to start slow and gentle. Most of us run on autopilot. When we automatically make a food choice, or allow ourselves to only choose foods based on emotions, or constantly overeat without noticing until it's too late, are all examples of being on autopilot. Invite yourself into a relationship with your body to break the automatic cycle.
Once you have opened the invite, know that some emotions probably will come up. Most of us are so used to suppressing our emotions that we are uncomfortable with facing them. That is okay! There is no right or wrong answer.
Try pausing in the morning before your coffee or breakfast. Even try to take a 2 minute pause before every meal. The pause is you creating space. In the pause you can be silent and just listen or ask yourself a question like:
What will serve me best right now?
How is this going to make me feel?
Why am I craving this?
Am I stressed? anxious ? overwhelmed?
What do I need?
What is my body telling me?
Remember there is no right or wrong answer!
Starting a relationship takes time and vulnerability. This is just the beginning of a lifelong relationship and you can begin again each day. Just start! Once you get into the habit of pausing before meals you will begin to notice trends or gain new insight about yourself. Don't judge these trends or new information just observe. Knowledge is power!
When you have all this "data", if you will, you can avoid the harmful restriction cycle.
If you're interested in getting coached on these concepts, check out the Mastering Mindfulness Immersion!