Harness the Power of Mindfulness

to Transform Your Health, from the Inside - Out.

Gina Worful, MS, RD

Welcome to the Mastering Mindfulness Institute, where we believe that true wellness starts from within.

We understand that diets don't work and that real change comes from changing our relationship to food and ourselves.

We use mindfulness and science based practices to help people develop a deeper understanding of their body, emotions, and behaviors around food.

Our Mastering Mindfulness framework is designed to help you create lasting change by exploring the relationship to yourself to build confidence and self trust.

Our goal is not to instill any one way of eating or living onto you, but instead to bring greater awareness and provide new perspectives, more compassion, and sovereignty over your body, food, and life.

Feel free to explore all the amazing resources here to support you - wherever you are on your journey.

Getting Started

Are you new around here? Check out these resources that are full of valuable guidance to starting your journey into confidence and self trust. These resources are completely free and loaded with great stuff!

Group Coaching

Been learning about the Mastering Mindfulness way but ready for more? The Mastering Mindfulness Immersion gets you access to being coached on your journey.

Private Coaching

Are you a high-performer ready to step into confidence with your health? Exclusive 1-1 coaching is tailored to those who are all in on transforming their health, from the inside - out.

All Rights Reserved 2024.

Mastering Mindfulness Institute